Thursday 13 May 2010

Daily Links (13.05.2010)

Adobe is finally taking the fight to Apple over Flash and I'm surprised its taken this long. I'll be it I'm slightly apathetic to the argument as Adobe has a history of releasing some buggy products and Apple has always been rather draconian on it's 'Walled Garden' of development, but I am for anything that makes creativity flourish. If this goes well, maybe there will be a day when jailbreaking out of Steve's kingdom won't be the only way to experience increased application freedom.
Nice example of the progression of Geo-location within social media. If Foursquare & Gowalla answer the question 'Where Am I' and Twitter answers 'What you're doing', SCVNGR seems poised to 'give you something to do, while you're somewhere'..
First, I wonder if am actually a Millenial, being born in 1982? That aside, I thought this was a refreshing take on the generalization that the younger generation entering/in the workforce is lazy and can't deal with 'no'.

The tendency to project uncertainty about younger generations on everyone below a certain age is as old & erroneous as assuming that nothing is like the 'Good Ole Days' (there weren't actually any 'Good ole Days'). Its refreshing to see someone point out that just as in every generation, younger workers are motivated and hard working as most older workers believe they were when starting out.
An interesting story about how a tech-industry dad added his son's school as a venue on Foursquare, became mayor of it, ended up dethroned and then over reacted to the profile of the new mayor (who subsequently was another parent in the class). The idea that one can complain about privacy/user image after initially creating his son's school as a venue on the social network is pretty interesting.

Also intriguing about the article is the profile the author makes of the new mayor based on his Foursquare badges and Twitter account. Presented with the same information, I assumed that he attended South by Southwest, however, the article seems to assume a status as a hard drinking, bed hopping, out of town possible pedophile.

Moral of the article's story: Don't put your son's school on Foursquare, but if you do, don't automatically assume that: a.) whomever checked in is actually there instead of gaming the network & b.) that everyone is exactly how your world view perceives them.
I normally don't like 'Charts of the Day' because of they tend to focus o one factor within a situation while ignoring other, closely related ones. That aside, Facebook's Q1 2010 number of ad impression's uptick is rather impressive. Also astounding...people still using Yahoo!
I had originally seen this a few days ago and keep reminding myself to finish reading the actual paper (linked to below), but the overall methodology bothers me (as pointed out in the linked astute summary). The researchers are correct that social media/microblogging and the general internet have grown in scale to a point that makes them representative of the overall zeitgeist of the population...However, how do we correctly harness this data?

The ability to sift through millions or billions of messages and accurately decipher semantics, meaning, extenuating circumstances and conversational idiosyncrasies is still a ways away from current analytical capabilities. So, while I'm incredibly interested (and in awe of) what the study accomplishes, I'm doubtfully wondering how soon we should start calling from the demise of other research options. That aside, this is a wonderful idea to run in concert with other techniques currently.

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